Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Download

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer download is an innovative diet and training program from Kyle Leon. The program takes your unique body type and matches it with a diet based on your specific height, weight, age, and other physical factors. Does it actually work though? Is the Muscle Maximizer actually worth all the hype? That’s what I’m going to take a look at in this short Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer review.

What Is the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Download?

In short, this is a revolutionary new program that will help you formulate a diet that will take pounds off. Coupled with the comprehensive physical training program that’s included with the Muscle Maximizer as a FREE bonus, you can get absolutely shredded in less than 9 weeks.

How Does it Work?

Basically, what this program does is take your somatotype, or body type, and use that to create a customized nutrition plan for you. This is better than other books on the subject because it addresses one thing that those books fail to mention: everybody is different! There are millions of different types of people in this world, and one book with generic nutrition tips can’t help everybody.

The Muscle Maximizer solves this problem because it gives you total control over the type of nutrition you get. It’s important to be accurate of course, but I’ve had better advice from this program than from any of the real nutritionists I’ve gone to see.

Who is Kyle Leon?

Kyle Leon is a nutritionist who has been working in the field for several years. He’s also a fitness trainer, and he’s combined both of these professions in his development of the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer download. When Kyle Leon was a kid he was pretty weak and couldn’t put on any muscle no matter how hard he tried. He gave the term “hardgainer” a whole new meaning.

Eventually Kyle figured out that what you eat really depends on your own specific body type, and that’s how he came up with the concept of somanabolism. While one type of food is great for muscle gain for one type of person, it won’t get the same results with someone who has a different body type. Additionally, your lifestyle plays a big factor in what kind of nutrition you need each day.

What the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer does is take both of these elements and combine them. This way you’re able to pair your workouts, your working life, and your diet and nutrition together so that they all match. If you’re more active, your food requirements will change. The same goes for people who don’t have a lot of activity each day.

Are There Any Negatives to the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Download?

Sure there are; nothing’s perfect. The biggest downside to this exercise and nutrition program is that all the measurements are based on the American system. That means that nothing is given in the metric system, which can be hard for people outside of the US. Fortunately there are plenty of tools to assist with the conversions online, so it’s not much of a big deal.


Other than that, this Muscle Maximizer review couldn’t find anything negative about the program. It’s definitely worth taking a look at if you want ripped muscle and a shredded physique.

Why You Should Do Pushups

Doing pushups is something that everybody should strive for. Pushups are easy to do and are extremely safe. There has never been someone that hurt themselves doing regular old pushups in the past, and that’s not going to change with you! If you really want to do pushups the right way, there are several things that you need to keep in mind.

Pushups Require Proper Form

First of all, it’s very important to have the proper form when you are doing pushups. Pushups should always begin after a warmup so that you have a chance to loosen up your muscle tissue and your joints. Once you have warmed up, lay down on the ground and place your hands on the floor a little wider than shoulder width. The hand placement is very important because it can actually determine the type of workout that you are getting. If your hands are in different places you will work out different muscle groups. For example, if you want to work out your shoulders you can place your hands farther up in front of your head. If your chest is your main concern you can spread your arms out wider so that the chest muscles have to work harder.

Find the position that you want your hands to be in and raise your body off the floor. Your feet should be together and your legs should be perfectly straight, like an arrow. Lock your knees so that you don’t accidentally bend them. It’s also important to keep your stomach and your back straight. Your body should actually form one long line. Use the muscles in your back and your abs to keep everything rigid. Now, slowly lower yourself down to the ground until your nose is just about to touch the floor. Hold it there for a second, and then bring yourself back up to the position you were in to begin with. Congratulations, you just completed one pushup. Now you should see how many you can do. There are two ways to do this.

First of all, you can go for speed and see how many you can complete in a single minute. That is always a good test of your physical ability. try to do 20, 30, or 50 in a row and see if you are able to pull it off. Not many people can, but at the same time there are people who can do over 100 in a single minute, and that’s just crazy! As you work at your pushups you will get better and better and eventually you’ll be able to do more in a minute. It’s just one of many great exercises for athletes.

If you don’t want to do that, you can try to do a one minute pushup too. A one minute pushup is sort of the opposite of the last example. With this kind of pushup, what you do is take the full minute to complete one pushup. You lower yourself down to the ground for a duration of thirty seconds, and then raise yourself back up for another thirty seconds. It’s a lot harder than it sounds, trust me.

Hardcore Muscle Fitness…The Bodyweight Way

If somebody sits you down and tells you that they’re going to go through the most intense workout they’ve ever experienced up until that point, what would you think they were doing? You’d probably picture them running down to the gym and then pumping massive amounts of iron with nothing but a scowl on their face and AC/DC playing in the background. You might see sweat pouring down their face as they wage a war against the forces of nature and take on a 500 pound benchpress with nothing but a grimace and a grunt.

What about pushups? Or pullups? Would you see that in your minds eye? Probably not. Most people don’t associate bodyweight exercises with anything hardcore and challenging. I mean, that’s mostly what stay at home moms do when they’re trying to work off some extra babyfat in between pilates classes, right?


A million times wrong, man, wrong to the nth degree. What you’re saying is absolute nonsense. Bodyweight workouts are one of the fastest, easiest, and most effective ways to turn your body into a rock hard ripped and shredded killing machine. Not only do they give you the muscle and the bulk, but they hook you up with the lean tissue and the range of motion to back it up.

Do you want to be an elephant or a tiger? Unless you’re already an elephant you probably went with tiger. That’s because you know what the human body is supposed to do: it’s supposed to hunt, kill, leap, and run for miles without wearing out. The human body was designed for so much more than we give it credit for, and yet most of us still cram ourselves into tiny Tupperware gyms to sweat it out under the AC and the fluorescent lights. We pay $2,000 to get hooked up with a home gym or a Bowflex, when everything we need is right in our bodies already.

If you think pushups are weak, try doing an incline pushup instead. If you were doing those as a baby, go for some handstand pushups. If you’ve been handstand pushuping since you were a toddler, go for a jumping clap handstand pushup. There’s no limit to how far you can escalate bodyweight workouts, and there’s always the option of increasing reps as well. And true strength is not only about muscle mass, either. It’s about the ability to actually use that muscle. How many bodybuilders do you know who can actually use their muscles for a lot of things.

Actually, look, if you want a great fix on what a truly capable body looks like, go look at someone who does parkour. This is something that uses every muscle in your body. You need increased stamina, hardcore endurance, and superman strength to be able to pull off all those feats. You think it’s easy? Think again. This is what real hardcore muscle fitness is all about. Bodyweight exercises give you that extra edge that you WON’T find in a gym. Trust me, they’re spectacular.

Working Out Isn’t Just for the Healthy People

One of the biggest deterrents to getting started with a new workout routine is a simple case of misguided image. A lot of people look at those other guys and girls who work out everyday and think, “Wow, they’re so fit, I wish I could be like that.” What they don’t realize is that everybody, even those strong, muscular gym rats, had to start out somewhere.

The common perception seems to be that working out is something that only healthy people do, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In reality, unhealthy people need the exercise even more than those health nuts, if I can use that phrase in front of you guys, and they just so happen to be the ones that aren’t getting it.

If you’ve been thinking about getting started with a workout routine, whether at your home or at a gym, you need to realize that there’s nothing wrong with starting from the bottom. Remember that when you’re at the bottom of the ladder the only place to go is up, so think about that the next time you start telling yourself that you won’t be able to handle an exercise. In fact, if you’re embarrassed about how you look or about how you think you’ll be able to perform, just start working out at home for awhile using bodyweight exercises. It’s great to have a friend there to support you, but sometimes you just need to go it alone and be a lone wolf for awhile.

That’s another thing about people that I can’t seem to get over. To most people, if you’re going to do something it has to be with someone else. There’s nobody out there that’s just going out and doing something alone for once. It’s like it’s an attack on your insecurity if you’re not able to spend the time with someone else. I don’t mean to insult anyone, but you have to get over that, and fast. Half of your exercises are going to take place alone, and if you’re going to be serious about your weight training you have to be doing it even when nobody else is around watching you.

Of course, I’m going to back up on myself for a second here and say that you should always try to have a workout buddy or a spotter with you if you’re doing weight training, but for other types of workouts you don’t need that. There’s nothing wrong with just spending a few hours by yourself, away from your iPhone or your Blackberry, just solely focused on the workout ahead of you.

I feel like I got off topic a little bit with this post, so I want to veer back towards that course before I wrap this up. Working out is something that anybody can do at any time in their life. Whether you’re 5 years old or 95, you can benefit from a little bit of healthy activity. Make the decision right now to get out there and feel what exercise is all about.

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The Right Mental Attitude for Exercise

Finding the right mental attitude for exercise is crucial if you want to make the most out of your efforts. The first thing you need to do is figure out why you’re working out in the first place. Is it to lose weight? Is it to gain muscle? Do you want to add lean muscle tissue so that you look good in a bathing suit? Maybe you only want to be a little healthier; the point is, figuring out why you’re working out in the first place is the first step to actually getting anywhere with your workouts.

A lot of people just think, “Okay, working out is good, right? That’s what everyone says, so I should start doing it.” If you think like that, you’re going about it all wrong. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, or why they are working out, it only matters why you personally are doing it.  If you can’t even figure that out, you’ll never be able to develop the right mental attitude for exercise.

But why is it so important?

Go ask any athlete or bodybuilder and they’ll tell you that what you do with your body is only a fraction of the entire process. Remember the old saying, “Sports are 10% physical and 90% mental?” Well, that’s the same thing that holds true with working out. I’ve been doing this for nearly 8 years and it’s easy to spot the difference between someone who’s distracted during a workout and someone who really has their head in what they’re doing.

More often than not, the person with the right mental attitude for exercise is going to be stronger, more muscular and more fit. This isn’t always the fact, but it happens a lot. There are two reasons for that.

First, if you’re mentally focused you’re going to be more committed, and therefore you’ll stick to it for longer. The guys who aren’t focused sort of drift in and out of the gym without really staying long. The focused ones are there every day pumping iron to meet their fitness goals.

Second, you won’t be as committed to the workout itself. If you aren’t coming into it with the right mental attitude, your reps will be lazy, you’ll probably do less sets, and you won’t push yourself as hard. You may end up staying at the gym for months, but you’re going to wonder why you’re not getting the same results as that guy who’s also here every day, but who stays focused on his workouts.


Bodyweight exercises

It’s never too late to get started with your very own bodyweight exercises.